Having raised a fantastic £3,150 for Greenfingers Charity by taking part in our annual Garden Re-Leaf Day walk in February, we are delighted to announce that SBM Life Science are continuing their support by formally recognising Greenfingers as their Charity of the Year.
By holding fundraising events and activities throughout 2017, the SBM Life Science team, which is responsible for the Phostrogen®, Baby Bio® Toprose and Provado® brands, will help raise vital funds so we can build more magical gardens for children spending time in hospices across the UK.
“The newly formed SBM Life Science organisation is delighted to pledge its support and partnership to further help the terrific work of the Greenfingers Charity,” said Darren Brown, Country Head, SBM Life Science Ltd. “The entire UK SBM team is motivated to make a difference to this terrific industry relevant cause.”
Linda Petrons, Head of Fundraising & Communications at Greenfingers Charity, said: “Following the team’s involvement in Garden Re-Leaf Day, we are delighted SBM Life Science has chosen to support Greenfingers as their Charity of the Year. We very much looking forward to working together to bring the precious gift of a garden to more children, and their families, who spend time in hospices across the UK.”
To date Greenfingers Charity has created 52 inspiring gardens and outdoor spaces in hospices around the country, and is planning seven more, four of which should be completed in the next 12 months. SBM Life Science’s support will contribute to this valuable work.
If you would like to talk to us about making Greenfingers Charity your Charity of the Year, please call us on 01494 674749 or email info@greenfingerscharity.org.uk