We're looking forward to Glee 2021!

We're looking forward to Glee 2021!

Following a two-year hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Glee is making its in-person return this September (14th – 16th September, NEC Birmingham) and once again the Greenfingers charity will be taking a central role at the exhibition.

Long-term corporate supporters of Greenfingers, the Glee team have often gone above and beyond to help raise vital funds for the charity. From charity walks and feats of endurance, to breakfast clubs and company-wide initiatives, Greenfingers has been a key beneficiary of the team’s combined efforts.

The annual Garden Re-Leaf Day Sponsored Walk was actually the brainchild of Glee’s very own Event Director, Matthew Mein, and since its launch in 2015 it has welcomed hundreds of walkers as they rack up the miles in places such as London, Cambridge and Buckinghamshire.

To date Matthew has completed 140 Garden Re-Leaf miles and is one of only two people who have completed all seven Garden Re-Leaf Walks.  Talking about the event, Matthew said: “Every single event has been better than the one before and knowing that you’re helping to raise funds and the profile of the Greenfingers Charity makes putting one foot in front of the other that little bit easier. I’m incredibly proud to be involved and am so pleased the industry has embraced the event in the way that it has. Here’s to mile 160 in 2022!”

In addition to participating in fundraising events, Matthew is also a Greenfingers Ambassador, who together with other dedicated charity ‘cheerleaders’ help to spread the word far and wide.

During the exhibition itself, Glee provides Greenfingers with an exhibition space where the team, led by Director of Fundraising & Communications at Greenfingers, Linda Petrons, can network with new and existing supporters of the charity. The charity also receives many kind product donations during the show, including contributions from those who enter the Glee New Product Showcase, which are later raffled to raise further vital funds to enable Greenfingers to build more therapeutic garden spaces at children’s hospices across the country.

Floral Thursday is another great way that Glee exhibitors and visitors show their support for Greenfingers. By donning their favourite floral clothing and donating a sum to the charity,  the event on the final day of the exhibition is a fun and cheerful way to help raise awareness of the vital work that Greenfingers does in children’s hospices the length and breadth of the country.

We look forward to seeing you there! 


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