With radio stations reporting on many people suffering from "Lockdown Slump" today Greenfingers supporters across the country have a great way to spread some cheer by taking a #FloralFriday picture and posting on social media just as Adam from Taylors Bulbs and Trevor from GTN have already this morning.
A regular supporter of the initiative, Adam Taylor, once again brought a little creative floral cheer to social media platforms as his lockdown thoughts took him back to Star Wars – is lockdown getting to Adam! Alongside his post, he said “So here we have Allium Giganteum AKA “The Princess Leia Allium”.
Speaking about #FloralFriday, Adam said “This initiative has been a lovely distraction during some lonely hours on site and timed really well with the availability of flowers on our trial plot. We hope that our help, and that of others, broadcasting the Greenfingers message will help to ensure the charity is able to continue valuable work in children’s hospices right across the country.”
As this week is British Flowers Week, a national celebration of the wealth and variety of British cut flowers, plants and foliage, Greenfingers Charity invites you to join the fun of #FloralFriday today (19th June), by posting photos of your favourite British flowers or dressed in your favourite floral British attire – a great way to celebrate the fantastic work that is being done by our British growers, seed suppliers and designers and at the same time ensuring the work of the charity continues into 2021 and beyond.
Here’s what you need to do…
- Post a floral ‘selfie’ or a photo of your favourite British Flower on social media
- Use the hashtags #FloralFriday #HortIndustry #BritishFlowersWeek
- Tag @GreenfingersCharity
- If you can, make a donation to support the work of Greenfingers Charity by texting FLORALFRIDAY to 70085 to donate £5 or FLORALFRIDAYTEN to 70085 to donate £10.
- Nominate a friend(s) to do the same
Why support #FloralFriday?
There is no doubt that the benefits of gardening and spending time outside in the fresh air are being felt by children and families more than ever as we continue to navigate through a world in lockdown. Whilst this additional engagement with gardening can only be good for our industry, this message is also vitally important for Greenfingers Charity as it faces a very challenging road ahead.
To find out more about Greenfingers gardens in the planning stages and other ways you can help the charity contact Director of Fundraising and Communications Linda Petrons by emailing Linda@greenfingerscharity.org.uk or calling 07908 221240.