We’re always sharing new ways through which you can support Greenfingers but sometimes, the old ways are the best. Although we don’t mention them often, collection boxes remain one of the simplest and most popular ways of raising funds for the charity.
Greenfingers charity collection boxes can be found at Garden Center tills and fundraisers across the country and provide much needed funds for the charity throughout the year.
Last year Notcutts Ltd. raised almost £2000 for Greenfingers through their collection boxes just going to show how simple but effective they can be!
I you would like to join Notcutts Ltd in raising funds for Greenfingers Charity, we have a number of boxes available so let us know if you are interested in supporting Greenfingers through your business or upcoming fundraising event.
Feel free to contact melanie@greenfingerscharity.org.uk for more information.
If you have a collection box and are wondering how to return the funds to Greenfingers, please click HERE for your Collection-Box-Procedure-12Jan17.doc
Happy FUNdraising!